
Tactical Combat Trauma Response

Course info

The Tactical Combat Trauma Response - TCT/R course is the most comprehensive training in the provision of First Aid in a tactical environment based on the guidelines and protocols of the CoTCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) community at CLS level. The training team of the course is composed of instructors who come from an operational environment with both national and international (NATO) certifications in the field of Combat First Aid, as well as health care professionals. The course is addressed to personnel of the Armed Forces, security forces, health professionals and reservists. The training provided is through the presentation of theoretical subjects, as well as practical skill stations to fully familiarize the trainees with the medical equipment. A decisive role in the course is played by the conduct of Tactical scenarios based on real-life incidents. Smoke grenades, flash grenades, specialized props, actors, and the most modern medical materials make up a highly realistic training.

Who may enroll :

This course is intended for military and civilian personnel, regardless of rank or career.

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