
(S.A.R) Search & Rescue

Course info

The introduction to Search and Rescue course is designed to provide knowledge concerning general responsibilities, skills, abilities, means of rescue and equipment needed by rescue person and teams. The course builds fundamental knowledge for field and management level training. The terrain that is based the course are wilderness environments but the material is recommended as a base of knowledge for all S.A.R environments. Topics will be covered are resources, initial actions, modus operandi in SAR operations, categories of lost persons and behavior, search management and physiology of rescuers.

Who can attend to the course :

Law Enforcement and Emergency personnel who provide resources and assistance during S.A.R operations.

Managers and Office personnel who want to learn the basic S.A.R skills that is needed for a good cooperation with S.A.R workers.

S.A.R personnel who want to refresh their knowledge.

Volunteers who are interested in becoming involved with S.A.R operations.

Persons that are working or spent a lot of time in wilderness environments like hunters, scouts, climbers, tour leaders e.t.c

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