The Emergency First Aid program for children and infants is designed to ensure that all participants have the minimum knowledge to support the life of a child or infant. It includes a number of theoretical and practical modules, while the main orientation of the program is the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) of a child or that of an infant. The training can be combined with the teaching of the Automatic External Defibrillator for children. This program is targeting the general population, people such as parents, teachers, summer camps, but also anybody interested to acquire minimum knowledge in the treatment of health emergencies for children and infants.
Who may enroll :
Anyone who wants to be able to responde in a Life Threatening Condition including children.
The minimum age is 18 years (Age of consenting adults) no previous criminal convictions, nor prior penal record, or incapacitating Mental health issues. Courses are available to everyone else, excluding the aforementioned persons.
Multiple choice written assessment & Practical assessment.
During the training courses a number of extensive practical drills and evaluation assessments are in effect, based on progressive scenarios and depending on the level of difficulty chosen by the client.
Upon successful completion of all training courses and requirements, the client students are granted the competent international certifications and professional licenses and awards.
Certificate validity:
The Basic Life Support training program is internationally recognized with a two
year valid training certification (RTI).
6 hours